Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Enzymes are essential. Our body requires them to carry out different functions. There are 3 types of enzymes: digestive enzymes (the type secreted by the pancreas that assists in breaking down foods we eat), food enzymes (the type naturally occurring in fresh raw foods that intended to begin the digestive process), and metabolic enzymes (the type the stimulate reactions in the body's cells that make certain functions happen).
At this time of year, we tend to do a lot of overeating and eating foods we don't typically indulge in on a regular basis. Because of this, enzymes are even more important to consider than they rest of the year!
Food enzymes, or those that can be found naturally occurring in foods, are great aids to our digestive processes. Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and herbs in their raw form contain most of the enzymes you need to be able to digest it. Because of this, these particular foods can digest quickly and more easily, allowing you to assimilate the nutrients better. Once these foods are cooked, a lot of the enzymes are destroyed, reducing the digestive aid they can provide. They still have nutrients, so keep eating your fruits and vegetables even if you cook them!
Digestive enzymes are something you are born with. The more you have to use them, the more your reserve is reduced, making it more difficult for your body to digest well as you age. When digestion isn't able to function well or completely, constipation, gas, indigestion, heartburn, cramping, bloating, irritability and other discomforts can become a problem.
Enzymes can be supplemented, and doing so oftentimes makes a tremendous difference in how a person feels overall. A simple capsule taken with meals can aid the body in breaking down fats, oils, proteins, dairy, sugars, etc. Getting the most value out of your foods only happens when you can break them down and put their nutrients to work for you. Imagine what your colon is carrying around if you are unable to digest properly! No wonder gas builds up in there!
A little relief can make a tremendous difference in how much we can enjoy our holiday seasons. Perhaps an extra enzyme would be a great gift to your body!

references: http://www.betterway2health.com/enzymes-supplement-info.htm

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