Saturday, November 19, 2011


It's Thanksgiving time, and tradition says "we must eat turkey!" Following our over-indulgence of deliciousness, we slump over on the sofa and get very drowsy. Is this because we've worked ourselves to death cooking all of that food and cleaning house in preparation for family gathering? Well that's probably a contributing factor, but one definite reason for the drowsies is all that l-tryptophan you ate!

You didn't know you were supplementing during your meal? That's the way foods work though! We get a lot of vitamins and minerals and SUPPLEMENTATION in the foods we eat everyday---and every Thanksgiving. That holiday turkey contains enough l-tryptophan to increase serotonin levels in the brain, which helps us to experience restful sleep and brighter, happier moods. If you enjoy feeling these things during the holidays, and find that you don't feel this way much during the rest of the year, you might consider supplementing with l-tryptophan. Nobody can eat turkey every single day. Sometimes you just really want a good salad, right? And that's the way it should be, eating a variety of good foods every day.

L-Tryptophan is available at Robin's Herb Shop, and many other retail herb shops. Stop in and try some! It could be Thanksgiving for you year round!

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