- purifies blood
- improves bowel function
- prevent or improve anemia
- cholesterol lowering
- blood pressure reducing
- kidney stone removal
- reduce acid indigestion
- acne/skin improvements
- assist in weight reduction
- reduces intestinal gas build-up
- helpful with gall bladder disorders
- gently reducing water retention
- and the list goes on!
Now imagine if you went to the doctor for something that felt serious to you, and instead of writing out 5-6 prescriptions, the doctor says "go home and EAT!" Doesn't that sound like something so easy that anybody can do it? Good nutrition is always the first line of defense. Dandelion is a good choice here. You can even purchase dandelion greens in some grocery stores. If you don't feel like you can eat greens like that (sometimes it does require developing a taste for things like this), then perhaps dandelion tea is a better choice. STILL taste sensitive? Capsules don't leave a taste in your mouth and you still get dandelion in your system, and this method might be easier to take regularly.
Consider your lifestyle, consider your health needs, and then consider dandelion. It just might be what you've been looking for!
*Note* Dandelions can be grown or harvested from the wild, but be SURE you identify your plants correctly when doing so. Also make sure they are free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals that might not be easy to see with the naked eye.
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