What are bunions?
The common bunion is a localized area of enlargement of the inner portion of the joint at the base of the big toe. The enlargement actually represents additional bone formation, often in combination with a misalignment of the big toe. The misalignment causes the big toe to move outward (medically termed hallux valgus deformity). The normal position of the big toe (straight forward) becomes outward-directed toward the smaller toes. The enlarged joint at the base of the big toe (the first metatarsophalangeal joint, or MTP joint) can become inflamed with redness, tenderness, and pain. A small fluid-filled sac (bursa) adjacent to the joint can also become inflamed (bursitis), leading to additional swelling, redness, and pain.
A less common bunion is located at the joint at the base of the smallest (fifth) toe. This bunion is sometimes referred to as a tailor's bunion.
What can you do for your bunions?
· Wearing wide-toe shoes allows more space for the toes, reducing constriction around the big toe. Also try going barefoot when the option is available.
· Use a spacer at night while you sleep to separate the big toe from the second toe to prevent pressure while you sleep.
· Soak your feet in a bowl of hot water with a couple tablespoons of Epsom Salts and soak for 10-15 minutes. It will soothe the pain, reduce inflammation, and reduce any stiffness in the joint.
· Chamomile, eucalyptus, cajuput, peppermint, ginger, cypress and juniper essential oils are recommended for helping various joint problems due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
· Arnica and Calendula have been used medicinally for centuries. They both have anti-inflammatory properties so may help reduce the pain and inflammation around the toe joint.
· Apply an ice pack 2-3 times per day to relieve swelling and painful inflammation.
· Cayenne pepper packs or salves can draw out inflammation and improve circulation to the area.
· Take 500 mg of bromelain 3 times a day to reduce inflammation of the joint.
· White willow also relieves pain on bunions.
· Hypericum (St. Johns Wort) eases shooting pains and tenderness in the foot. St. Johns Wort oil can also be applied topically. Dandelion tea is a natural diuretic that flushes away excess water from the body, relieving your swollen feet. Dandelion tea can potentially decrease uric acid build up resulting in less pain and discomfort.
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