Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Garlic is one of those foods you can't say enough about. It provides you SO MUCH nutrition and protection that it deserves some notice.

Surely you've heard some of the brands of garlic out there, and most likely your neighbor or grandma use garlic tablets. Do you?

More times than not, I've heard this complaint: "But it will make me stink and bother other people!" As one of those other people you are thinking of, I am MORE bothered by the flu you can share with me than the garlic smell you might carry around. That's right,... garlic can ward off the flu and actually is quite a contributor in helping you recover from such things! It's most potent state is raw....with smell in tact! In fact, the odor has its own potency- and I'm not just talking about vampire repellent here. Raw garlic is rich in enzymes, and enzymes break things down. Break down bacteria and viruses and they aren't able to be infectious anymore! Break down cholesterol, and it can't clog your veins anymore!

I'm not dumb. I know there are still people who are more worried about the garlic on their breath and can't overcome that discomfort. For those of you who feel this way, go ahead and take the odorless tablets. Keep in mind that in doing so, you are reducing the benefit you receive considerably. Like I said, there is great value in the oils that produce the odor.

It's not necessary to eat raw garlic on a daily basis either. I couldn't do it myself! That stuff is hot! So this is where your options come in:

-Roast your garlic occasionally.
-Chop the raw garlic real fine and put it into empty gelatin capsules!
-Garlic capsules
-Odorless garlic tablets

If you need just a little more motivation to take your garlic, here some good reasons:

  • blood pressure
  • cholesterol
  • mosquito repellent
  • flea & tick repellent (for pets)
  • cold & flu fighting
  • antioxidant
  • antibiotic action
  • toothache
  • warts
  • cough
  • diabetes
  • other viruses

Note that it IS possible to eat too much raw garlic at a time and cause some mouth/throat irritation. Don't overdo it. If you don't feel you can handle it this way very often, then maybe just at the onset of a problem try it raw, then move to the other options for further consumption.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a wonderful oil that comes from the Australian Melaleuca trees. It's properties provide so much therapeutic benefit that it is one ingredient I would ALWAYS recommend be included in your first aid kit or emergency pack.

Tea tree oil takes care of your skin. It's that simple. It takes CARE of your skin.

  • Dandruff? Tea tree oil in your shampoo, or combine with some water for a hair rinse.

  • Gingivitis? Mix an ounce of water with 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and swish like mouthwash. Do not swallow, but let it stay in your mouth for 30 seconds or so to kill bacteria that causes mouth difficulties.

  • Cuts or scrapes? Use tea tree to cleanse the skin and recover from the accident.

  • Toe nail fungus? A single drop applied to the affected areas can kill that fungus and stop it from spreading and reoccuring.

  • Insect bites? Tea tree helps pull out the inflammation and bring some relief to itching and swelling.

  • Yeast infection? Tea tree takes care of yeast!

  • Pets with fleas? Insects aren't fond of tea tree at all! A couple drops on a pets collar can help a lot. You could also put a drop in the pet shampoo when bathing the animal.

  • Warts? It takes a few weeks of regular application, but yes,...even warts!

  • Insect repellent? Mix a few drops with water, put it in a misting bottle spritz away.
  • Acne? Mix some with your facial cleanser, or just mix a drop or two in with water for a facial rinse! Or dab it onto blemishes straight.

Normally you do not swallow tea tree oil. It is harsh on the liver and other parts of the body. It is NOT recommended to swallow at all....unless it specifically is designed for that purpose. Stop in and see us! We have one such brand of tea tree that you can use internally and take care of a lot of difficulties- even parasites!

Notice the variety of ways you can use tea tree: in a humidifier, in creams and lotions, in soaps and shampoos, in plain water, in a bath tub, in a douche, on a pet collar, straight.... With all these uses, it stands to reason why I find it an important addition to any first aid kit!